
Poor air quality liabilities for building owners


March 17, 2014

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Workplace Air Quality

If you are a business or commercial building owner then you need to ensure the well being of your occupants. Caring for their safety and well-being goes beyond being a good humanitarian, it helps to minimize your liabilities as a business or property owner.

Although many Canadian jurisdictions do not have specific legislation that deals with indoor air quality issues, all employers and building owners must oblige by the “general duty clause.” This clause, common to all Canadian occupational health and safety legislation, states that an employer must provide a safe and healthy workplace. This includes providing workers, tenants and all occupants with good quality air.

Employers can be subject to criminal penalties when they do not follow up an employee report of health related issues that could be contributed to polluted air. As an employer or commercial property owner, it is your duty to call a certified professional when an employee, tenant or building occupant submits a complaint or accusation relating to poor air quality.

At Air Quality Solutions, we can establish proof of non issue so that you cannot be found liable for any future employee health issues, or provide an action plan that will help you to remediate any know air pollutants.

Source: Canadian center for Health and Safety

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